Bruno começou a carreira como desenvolvedor web em Piracicaba e hoje trabalha na Cisco em Orlando/FL. Além disso é consultor JavaScript focado em React JS e Organizador do Orlando JS Meetup.
Online - Piracicaba
2020Meetup DevelopersBr - Sao Paulo
2020The JAM stack is a modern web development architecture based on client-side JavaScript and reusable APIs.
2019Meetup HTML SP
2020Jazzcon.Tech - New Orlando (USA)
2017O ReactJS tem a poderosa habilidade de renderizar seus componentes no servidor. Nesta apresentação Bruno irá mostrar os benefícios e também como e quando podemos explorar esta prática.
Front In Sampa
2016The main idea of this live coding is to 'think the React way'. With that said, it really doesn't matter your knowledge on React, since we are going to do this together.
2016Little Rock Tech Fest
2016It’s hard to measure a developer’s knowledge based only on the term “front end developer.”
Front End Devs Orlando
2016Orlando Devs
2016I'll be covering the editor settings, command palette, projects, 'must have' packages (plugins), themes and also keyboard shortcuts to improve your workflow.
Front End Devs Orlando